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Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos
Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos lives and works in Romainville. After graduating from a Master’s degree in Photography at the Beaux-Arts of Cergy, he majored in sculpture at the Beaux-Arts of Paris. His practice develops around a preconceived installation, the bed, that he modifies according to various statements and contexts.
In 2020, Konstantinos Kyriakopoulos displayed his work at Exo Exo (Paris) for the Warm Welcome exhibition. In 2021, he produces various works, such as Madame Terminus for the Domestic Cult At Scale exhibition (Nantes), The Floor is Lava for L’Aconservatoire (Noisy-le-Sec) co-curated with Hugo Laporte, Witz Garden for Iveco Nu (Noisy-le-Sec) curated by Data Rhei, and Des soleils encore Verts at Bétonsalon (Paris) curated by Champs Magnétiques.