Our residences

Kubra Khademi

Kubra Khademi is an Afghan performance artist and a feminist. Through her practice, she explores her life as a refugee and a woman. She studied fine arts at Kabul University, before attending Beaconhouse National University in Lahore, Pakistan thanks to a UMISAA scholarship. In Lahore she began to create public performance, a practice she continued upon her return to Kabul, where her work actively responded to a male dominated society by extreme patriarchal politics. After performing her piece known as Armor in 2015, Khademi was forced to flee her home country. She exhibited her works worldwide, notably at the Museum of History of Immigration, Paris (2017, France), Centre Chorégraphique National in Roubaix (2018, France), Queens Museum & Knockdown Center in New York (2018, USA), Silkroad Gallery in Tehran (2018, Iran). In 2016, she was awarded an MFA Scholarship at Pantheon Sorbonne University and was given the title of Knight of arts and literature (Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres) by the Ministry of French Culture. Since 2017, Kubra Khademi is a member of Atelier of Artists in Exile and is in residency at Cité Internationale des Arts, both in Paris. In 2019, she is selected for the Bourse Révélations Emerige award.


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