Our residences

Rebecca Tanda

Rebecca Tanda is a visual artist and cartographer. She holds her Master’s from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in printmaking and sculpture. Prior to locating to Chicago she was involved with several geography and cartography projects in Hong Kong and China, as well as a solo show at the Hong Kong Visual Art Center in 2016. In her artistic practice she re-imagines histories and creates speculative futures that focus on geography, territory and natural history. Currently she is focusing on the history of ivory, interweaving speculative fiction and material histories in a series of sculptures and videos. Rebecca Tanda is the recipient of the Charles A. Dana Foundation Glass Scholarship in 2019 and the Lee Woo Sing College Arts & Culture Grant in 2016 among others. In 2018, she was an artist in residence at Franconia Sculpture Park (USA) and is currently a resident at the Foundation Fiminco (France). She will be in residence at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai (China) in 2021.


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