Concert - MERITA
Moser String Quartet & ProQuartet

March 16, 2025

The Fondation Fiminco is delighted to welcome the ProQuartet-Centre Européen de Musique de Chambre and the Moser Quartet for a concert!

This concert-performance opens with musical excerpts that take the audience on a sonic journey through time and place, evoking diverse cultures and styles. These extracts are reflections and suggestions that open the way to the heart of the program: Ligeti's Quartet No. 1, “Métamorphoses Nocturnes”. In this work, Ligeti creates a tapestry of sound that blends elements from diverse musical traditions, suggesting how diversity can converge into harmonious unity. The performance focuses on the composition's ability to “dream in color”, as Ligeti himself puts it, offering the audience an immersive experience in the richness of musical language and its transformative power.

Ligeti describes his music in these terms: “Formally... it appears as a static entity. It seems motionless, but only in appearance; in this stillness, this immobility, there are imperceptible changes that make me think of the surface of water reflecting an image, then the surface undulates slightly and the image slowly disappears. When the surface becomes smooth again, we see another image...”. (György Ligeti)


La Chaufferie


March 16, 2025, 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Free admission

43, rue de la Commune de Paris
93230 Romainville

Metro 5 - Stop Bobigny - Pantin - Raymond Queneau

Bus Lines 145 and 318 - Stop Louise Dory



A découvrir aussi à la fondation Fiminco