Festival Kalypso
Meeting with Mourad Merzouki

December 7, 2024
Festival Kalypso - Meeting with Mourad Merzouki
Festival Kalypso
This year marks a turning point with the festival's arrival in Seine-Saint-Denis, in Romainville, within the FAST cultural district managed by the Foundation. This augurs new artistic perspectives and new links between the artists and the inhabitants of the département.
Come and meet Mourad Merzouki to discover or rediscover his career and the behind-the-scenes aspects of his creations. Alongside dancers who have been part of his repertoire, he will also talk about the evolution of hip-hop, which he knows well having contributed to its rise and influence in France.
This lecture will be followed by Ritam. Ritam is the result of a meeting between two artists, multi-instrumentalist Stracho Temelkovski and Kader Belmoktar, dancer and key assistant choreographer with Compagnie Käfig.
Committed to interweaving arts and aesthetics, they decided to create a common language with Ritam, a bridge between their two worlds.
La Chaufferie
December 7 at 6 p.m.
43, rue de la Commune de Paris
93230 Romainville
Métro 5 – Bobigny – Pantin – Raymond Queneau Station
Bus 145 and 318 line – Arrêt Louise Dory