LUCARNE 2023-2024

Rediscovering our everyday territories

The LUCARNE programme is the result of a collaboration between the Fondation Fiminco and the Seine-Saint-Denis Departmental Education Services Department, with the aim of offering artistic and cultural education courses to schools that are far removed from cultural institutions.

The aim of the Rediscovering our everyday territories project is to combine artistic expression and practice, as well as reflection linked to the areas of Romainville and Noisy-le-Grand, territories that students come into contact with on a daily basis.

Célia Boulesteix, an artist with a keen awareness of global environmental issues, reuses everyday objects and materials in her work, giving them a new lease of life. In this way, each class was invited to work in groups to create metal installations combined with plants and other objects collected during their walks, onto which were grafted photographs taken by the pupils and transferred onto metal plates.

The results were presented on 27 May 2024 in the form of an exhibition of the works produced by the pupils, Le Chemin de l'école (The Way to School).

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