Our residences

Camille Juthier

After a degree in philosophy, Camille Juthier graduated from Beaux-Arts in Nantes in 2018. She is interested in how our bodies and psyches, in their porosity, are transformed by the post-industrial environments in which they are immersed. She explores troubled areas, such as agriculture and methods of psychological care, or the links we have with the idea of “nature”. Within installations, she restores the aggregates, the results of maceration and experiments, as if to draw the threads from other possible stories. In 2020, she exhibited at Fondation Ricard, Magasins généraux, Galerie Michel Journiac, Glassbox and the Orangerie in Sucy-en-brie. In 2019, she took part in the 64th Salon de Montrouge, and was awarded for the Ateliers Médicis artist researcher prize where she completed a 6-month residency. The same year she was also awarded by Cité international des arts de Paris for the Paris-Budapest crossed residency programme, in partnership with Institut Français, and realized a solo show at Budapest Gallery, and at the Station 16 at the Contemporary Art Institute of Villeurbanne. In 2018, she participated in a collective exhibition at the Dakar Biennale (Senegal). In 2015 she co-founded a performers’ collective, Hashbank, working on digital identity.


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