Made Anywhere

6th-8th September 2024

MULTIPLE ART DAYS becomes (Made Anywhere), a new scene of artistic publishing practices dedicated to objects with poetic reaction.

(Made Anywhere) responds to a need for encounters around objects that are sources of inspiration, creation, collection and observation; a decompartmentalization of artistic forms that sometimes escape the market and the institution. From research to archiving, creation takes free and inspiring forms, often editorialized: iconography, collections, recordings, notations, publications or archives.

Act Anywhere punctuates the event with themed programs in the form of talks, performances, screenings and concerts. The 9th edition of the Révélation Livre d'artistes ADAGP × (Made Anywhere) rewards an emerging artist.


La Chaufferie


Friday, Septembre 6 from 4pm to 10pm
Opening – FREE entrance

Saturday, September 7 from 1pm to 8pm
Sunday, September 8 from 1pm to 8pm

Full price: 5€
Free admission: Residents of the Seine-Saint-Denis, visitors 18 and under, unemployed individuals.

43, rue de la Commune de Paris
93230 Romainville

Metro 5 – Bobigny – Pantin – Raymond Queneau Station

Bus 145 et 318 line – Louise Dory Station

