Legal notice
Fondation Fiminco
14 bis rue de la Faisanderie
75016 Paris
Tél. : +33 (0)1 47 53 00 00
SIREN 828 634 139
SIRET 828 634 139 00012
Le site accessible par les url suivants : est exploité dans le respect de la législation française. L’utilisation de ce site est régie par les présentes conditions générales. En utilisant le site, vous reconnaissez avoir pris connaissance de ces conditions et les avoir acceptées. Celles-ci pourront être modifiées à tout moment et sans préavis par la Fondation Fiminco. La Fondation Fiminco ne saurait être tenue pour responsable en aucune manière d’une mauvaise utilisation du service.
Joachim Pflieger
Directeur général de la Fondation Fiminco
14 bis rue de la Faisanderie
75016 Paris
Tél. : +33 (0)1 47 53 00 00
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The Fondation Fiminco website is an institutional site, reserved for your private use and intended to present the Fondation Fiminco and all its activities.
By visiting the site, you agree to these Terms of Use. We invite you to consult them regularly.
The Fondation Fiminco takes the greatest care in the selection of information and content offered on its website. However, the Fondation Fiminco can not guarantee with certainty the accuracy and completeness of this information. Thus, the Fondation Fiminco can not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage due to information misused and / or that would prove to be inaccurate or incomplete.
The Fondation Fiminco is committed to ensuring Internet users access to the site at all times. However, in the event of unavailability of the site (maintenance of the site, break of the Internet network, etc.), the Fondation Fiminco can not be held responsible whatever the cause.
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The databases appearing on the Site are protected by the provisions of Code of intellectual property and by Law n ° 98-536 of July 1, 1998. The Fondation Fiminco expressly prohibits any reuse, reproduction or extraction of elements of these databases. Any infringement constitutes an offense within the meaning of Article L.335-2 of the Code of intellectual property.
Website achievement
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The user consults the site under his sole responsibility. Under no circumstances will the Fondation Fiminco be held liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the access or use of the site or any related sites.
The Fondation Fiminco will not be held responsible for damage or viruses that could affect your computer, your mobile or any other connected device and / or computer equipment following access or consultation of the site, a download of elements of the site or interventions illicit in computer systems.
Fraudulent and unlawful intrusions into the computer systems, source codes, databases or restricted pages of the site are completely prohibited. The Fondation Fiminco reserves the right to initiate legal actions necessary to preserve its interests.
The Fondation Fiminco reserves the right to modify and / or modify these general conditions of use at any time. We invite you to consult them regularly to access the more up-to-date version.